Google respects 301 redirect headers

Two months back I upgraded my blog to WordPress 2.1. That time I decided to change my blog permalinks structure. I was bit worried about loosing Google’s inbound links to my blog. I have not done something like before so I was bit scared to take this risk. Since I use my blog for learning SEO so I decided to go ahead with changing the permalink.

I knew 301 redirect was my only solution to solve the issue. So I wrote a small plugin to redirect to new url with 301 redirect. After 2 months I was checking the inbound and outbound links in Google sitemaps. I was amazed to see all my my new urls are considered the same as old one.

For example long back I wrote an articles about fedora.

Install Fedora Core 5 Linux Without Burning CD

New url for this post :

Its old url was :

I found this particular page of was linking the old url.

So when I was checking the Google sitemaps for particular post with new url I was amazed to see the old urls are still considered as inbound link for the particular post.

Google sitemaps screenshot

After changing my blog to descriptive url the traffic to my site has increased 20% from search engine 😉 . Happy blogging!!!!!! 😀


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