WordPress Plugin – Bitly External URLS

I have been blogging for a long time now. In each of my article I normally use a lot of reference websites links. But I really don’t know if anyone is clicking on those links. To analyze the external links and user behavior I need to know whether the user is clicking them. So I wanted a way to get statistics for those external urls from my site. The only short url service which I use gives good statistics is Bitly. I searched for a long time for existing plugin which does this task. I was so unlucky and so far no body had one such requirement like me I guess. Finally I ended up writing one simple plugin which does that job.

Today I am releasing a new WordPress plugin Bitly External URLS which converts your blog post external links to a bitly url. This plugin comes with a very simple options page. All you have to do is

  1. Register of new bitly account
  2. Goto your bitly settings page
  3. Fill in your bitly Username and bitly api key in the plugin options
  4. Block the domain names separated by semicolon for which you don’t want to create bitly short urls
  5. Save the options.

Once the plugin options are configured the plugin is enabled to rock and roll. All the post which has external links will be converted to short url as the post are requested.

Download WordPress Plugin – Bitly External URLS

WordPress Plugin – Bitly External URLS – GitHub

By Imthiaz

Programmer, SAAS, CMS & CRM framework designer, Love Linux & Apple products, Currently addicted to mobile development & working @bluebeetle


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